build an app like Instagram

How to build an app like Instagram – The right way to create your own image-sharing mobile app

The mobile app industry has come a long way from a very modest beginning. Today, the mobile app industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry challenging the supremacy of web applications. Well, this isn’t shocking if we are to look at the rapidly increasing number of mobile users. It has been some years that the number of mobile searches overtook the desktop searches (yes, Google do informed us of the mandatory changes in the website design requirements).

So, with an ever-increasing number of mobile users, the industry is all set to attract more and more entrepreneurs hoping to hit the “New Big” idea in the mobile app industry. And while many entrepreneurs are in the quest of looking for a unique app idea, many more are interested in replicating the current market leaders and savage-off its popularity. Instagram is one such app that has raised the eyebrows of many young entrepreneurs, as they look out for ways to create an app like Instagram.

Why Instagram?

Well, at Starlinks we have had a chance to meet up with various young and talented tech entrepreneurs looking to make a big impact in the mobile app industry. And what better way than to try their hands after one of the most famous and most popular apps of this day.

A brief history of Instagram

Now, before we get into details of how to create an app like Instagram, let’s fast check some of the details about the app.

Instagram is the biggest and most popular image-sharing app across all mobile platforms (Android, iOS). To give you a sense of popularity enjoyed by Instagram, the app attracts billions of users daily with millions of images being shared every day.

The app was developed by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom back in 2010 and instantly proved to be a huge success across all segments of mobile users. Today, the app continues to attract millions of active daily users for its platform.

Instagram today is a leader (by a far margin) with respect to the number of images shared over the platform. On an average user share over 80 million images over the Instagram on a daily bases, coupled with over 3 billion daily “likes” gathered by the images. All of this gives a very clear picture of why young entrepreneurs are questioning “how to create an app like Instagram?”.

How to build an app like Instagram?

Ok, now that we have a brief picture of the popularity and opportunities that lie with image-sharing platforms, let’s take a step wise approach to create an app like Instagram.

Now, before you begin with your venture of app development, it’s important to remember that the success in the app development industry lies with a strong vision and a clear approach. While you may want to colonize Instagram app, you need to take a unique route to distinguish your app and to add value to your app.

Steps required to create an app like Instagram!

Here are some of the steps that can help you successfully design and develop Insta-clone:

–    Do the background work

Whether it’s a web design or a mobile app development, the secret to success lies with your passion and commitment towards the end result. So, even before you begin to search out the right mobile app development companies, make sure you have a clear vision about the app including the target audience, existing industry players (Instagram isn’t the only player in here), current gaps and openings.

–    Evaluate existing market players

This is another important step that will help you to recognize existing loopholes in the industry as well as identify and seize opportunities to break into the market. As we said above, there are various players apart from Instagram operating in the image-sharing app industry and a critical evaluation of each player will certainly help you to identify your opportunities and success metrics.

–    Research your target market

This again is one of the most important secrets to success for all app and web design & development ventures. You need to have precise research about the target audience, their preferences, and trends. Remember, without a detailed and thorough target market research, there is no way you can harness success in the mobile app market.

–    List down Key metrics

This may include that goal you want to achieve with the app (monetization etc.), the budget you can dedicate to the development, how you will market the app and what technologies you would want to integrate with the platform.

–    Create a strong PR strategy

Even the most amazingly developed app with the most powerful features would find it hard to make any significant impact in the market without a strong marketing and PR strategy. As an entrepreneur, you would need to think out a tactical and unique PR strategy that can differentiate your app from hundreds of others and emerge it as a market leader.

–    Keep an agile approach

Lastly, the secret to success for Instagram or any other mobile or web application lies in its agile model. Remember, the online industry is a fast-evolving market where new trends hit every day and you need to keep up on your toes to accommodate and follow those trends to improve your app.

Final Thought:

The mobile app industry is a highly lucrative industry with high-rewards for those who are ready to catch the nerves of the market and leverage of the technology. As defined above, the secret to “how to create an app like Instagram” lies with your uniqueness and ability to distinguish your app from existing players. With a largely untapped market and unlimited users to monetize on, you can bet success with a considerate and agile approach.