latest trends app ui design

App Design Trends – Some of the Latest Trends shaping the mobile app development Industry!

Over the years the mobile app industry has continuously evolved greatly across all design and development aspects. Now, we have been quite vocal about the importance for businesses to keep up with the latest mobile app design trends that are shaping the industry.


That’s because the mobile app design and development industry are fast becoming one of the biggest industries that’s estimated to be worth nearly USD 200 billion by 2020. So, you definitely wouldn’t want to miss out on here, would you?

Now, if you haven’t followed the app design and development industry lately, we have come up with the most pressing trends shaping the app design and development industry.

So, without wasting much time let’s directly jump upon the latest mobile app design and development trends you can’t miss out.

–    Voice Assistants

When we talk about mobile app industry evolution, it’s all about the tech takeover. And voice search is one tech evolution that has had its impacts not just for mobile but also the web application industry. Now, if we are to look at the speed at which voice assistants are taking over the app industry, it will be safe to predict that voice searches are soon going to surpass traditional searches; not just for mobile applications but also for web applications. Over the years the leading tech giants including Google, Apple and Amazing have long invested in perfecting the voice search capabilities and the technology undoubtedly have matured much over the years. The proof of this is the capability to conduct micro-interaction, that has added much value to the technology.

To sum it up, voice assistants remained a popular trend last year as well and this year also we are seeing developers integrating voice assistants into the mobile app ideas, to ensure high user interaction.

–    Transition to 3D

Yet another important trend shaping the mobile app design industry is the shift from 2D to 3D. Indeed, the flat boring designs from yesterday are already making an exit from at least the mobile app design industry, paving the way to interactive and engaging 3D surfaces.

The 3D interactive designs have already become a norm for e-commerce businesses, who bet to engage more customers by engaging them with interactive AR product views. While the use of 3D technology hasn’t become the talk of the industry like some of the other technology, it undoubtedly is one futuristic technology to look out for.

–    Gradient 2.0

From not to interactive battery consuming LEDs to spectacular OLEDs and Super AMOLEDs with mid wobbling color rendition, mobile screen technology has certainly evolved greatly. This has also opened up great opportunities for mobile app designers and developers to play around with colors and gradients to create smart and interactive UI/UX as a mean to influence users.

Now, if we look at the gradients dominating the mobile app industry, it’s safe to say that designers aren’t just playing around with colors to impress users, rather, they have gone a step further to entirely alter the way we perceive colors. The gradients used in mobile apps today are more intended to bring a sense of dimension and depth to the mobile apps.

If you haven’t yet noticed, one of the most trending gradient themes used by various applications today includes going with vivid and lively gradients against black or other dark theme backgrounds. Yes, dark themes have remained the safe haven and popular theme color for designers for years, however, to bring in more depth and interaction to the overall UI, these dark backgrounds are coupled with vivid gradients and asymmetrical geometry.

–        Progressive Disclosure

Moving on, another important mobile app development trend that has been making in-roads into the industry is the use of progressive disclosure designs. If you aren’t familiar with the term already, it simply represents a minimalist approach to app UI/UX, where designers and developers keep the overall content of the app to the bare minimum in a bet to improve the navigation and interaction. Progressive disclosure is also important because it helps users to instantly connect with the application and thus increasing retention chances for the application, thereby, an important trend to watch out for.

–    Privacy

Moving from the designing aspect to mobile app development trends, one of the most crucial aspect for all mobile and web applications is to ensure data safety and privacy for users. Cybercrime is a global menace and mobile apps aren’t an exception, with various cases of data theft being reported every year. In fact, with one of Europe’s largest congressional hearing on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) being already implemented in Europe, perhaps there was never a time more pressing for developers to look out for the security concerns. In fact, many applications are actually exploiting their privacy regulations to entice customers by boosting the high of their security features implemented for personal and financial information.

–    Minimalist Design

While the minimalist design has remained a popular mobile app design trend, today designers are taking it a step further. While in the past, minimalist designs were a picture-perfect representation of a wireline un-branded design, today, it’s all about going branded while keeping up with the minimalism as well. To put it simply, the minimalist design doesn’t necessarily have to be boring, and for that designers have loads of elements to play around with.

–    Biometrics

Yet another important mobile development trend to watch out for is the mainstreaming of biometric technology. The trend has become widespread amongst applications of all platform (Android, iOS) and acts as an added layer of security for users. We expect this trend to continue growing for 2019, adding a futuristic element to the mobile applications.

Now for 2019 app design trends, we see many apps incorporating biometric verifications being incorporate in their systems to give users a cliché and futuristic element as well as peace of mind for the safety.


So, you have it all. Some of the most pressing and worthy mobile app design and development trends that will continue to shape the industry in the future. Well, it actually amazing to see how technology never fails to impress us all over again with the “next big” thing hitting the market. Well, as the industry moves on, we will continue to update you with the latest trends shaping the mobile app industry.