Hackathon University of Auckland 2019

This last weekend, the University of Auckland had their hackathon. This is an event where students, doing their bachelors of engineering try to make an app in 48 hours. The reason that this event is so important for students is because they create an actual app, that can go on their CV. As a matter of fact, this year IT consultants from large multinational companies like Microsoft and Google were at this event, to inspect these students. Considering the size and presence of these companies, this is a huge opportunity for students to showcase their skills and have a shot at being recognized by these organizations, that can change their life.

Although many people would think that only the coding would matter, the ideas can also have value. The competition is not only to make the best app in the sense of how fancy it is, but how useful and helpful it can be to society is also very important. Considering the purpose of technology is solving problems, and how much humans aspire for convenience and efficiency, there are many ideas to come up with.

The specialty of this competition is that it goes past the classroom. Extraordinary and unique ideas and designs can be used by the students as an actual startup, and if they are able to get funding for their project, then that gives them an advantage in the hackathon. For example, if someone comes up with an idea for an app to help people with depression. They can get in contact with organisations like the Mental Health Foundation, propose to them their idea. If they agree to sponsor or fund it, not only can they turn this app into an actual startup, but they can say in their presentation that their idea was of such high quality that an actual foundation has agreed to fund them, and that would give them an edge over the competition.

Humans have been solving problems ever since the beginning of time. From the wheel, to the steam engine, to the iPhone, we have been moving forward ever since. With the rise of the digital age, we need events like this so that young people with new ideas can present them to the world, and help move our society further into an age of efficiency.

The Starlinks NZ warmly welcome to organize such a great event