How To Choose The Best SEO Package?

Ok, there is little doubt about the effectiveness and importance of SEO services for any online business. However, truth be told that choosing the right SEO company isn’t an easy task by no mean. I mean if you look at all the articles and blogs that have been written on the process of choosing the right SEO Company, the only thing that you’ll find constant in all the material would be a different process. Yes, there is no standard approach to choose an SEO company and with thousands of companies swearing to deliver the best services and offering low-cost SEO packages, it’s no less than a challenge to be able to find the right one.

Ok, we know that you are here looking for some help to find you the right company and not get disappointed. Now to help you choose the right SEO Company that can deliver the punch for your online business and don’t rob your bank as well, we have taken a different approach. While we can’t help you judge the expertise level of a company, we have come up with certain negative and positive pointers that will certainly help you in assessing the standard of services and choose the best SEO package that serves your need.

So, without wasting any more time, let’s get started with our guide to choosing the best SEO package for small business.

Red Flags – Don’t Fall for these approaches:

  1.    Google Rankings

So, this might come as a shocker for most of you, right? But then if it isn’t for the reliability than what’s the Google ranking all about?

Ok, yes, we understand the shock that you might feel when asked not to trust Google rankings for choosing the right SEO Company. Now, here we aren’t challenging the Google ranking algorithms or anything else rather it’s more about rational thinking.

See, while you want to choose SEO Company at affordable prices you will most probably Google “Cheap SEO packages New Zealand”. Now, the problem with such an approach is that the best and most reliable SEO companies operating in the industry won’t have the time or need to rank in Google SERPs. They will depend on the quality of services and customer support to spread the word of mouth and get more work.

So, while you search “Best SEO packages in Auckland” you will most probably see companies who have the time to invest for their website ranking (which by no mean is a bad indicator), however, we feel you get the point that it’s not the best “Filter” to rely on.

  1.    List for Affordable SEO Companies

Even worse than the first one…

Don’t I repeat don’t ever try to choose a cheap SEO package by looking at the list of best SEO companies online? If you already don’t know than be aware that a vast majority of such lists are only created by people to earn money. Many times the SEO companies you’ll find on the list pays money to the “Blogger” to have their name in the list. Last year, we also received one such call from a blogger who was ready to put our name as the best SEO Company in New Zealand in return for the money (devilish, right?).

A foolish “Filter” to choose the right SEO package for your small business.

Choosing an SEO Company – Doing it the right way!

So, now that we are done with the red flags, here’s a stepwise approach you can follow to make the right choice.

Step 1: Understand your business needs

Now before you choose any SEO package you need to understand the bottom lines you’re looking to achieve from the campaign. Yes, you need to chalk out a detailed analysis of the needs and requirements of your business that you want to address by choosing any SEO package.

Here’s how you can do it easily. Just call upon a team meeting to be attended by all executives as well as technical staff. Conduct an open session sharing the pain points and discussing the needs of the business. Reach out for a common goal to which all members agree to and there you have it a perfect plan detailing everything you would want in SEO package.

Confused? Well here are some goals that you need to discuss and agree to in the meeting:

Good Goals:

–    we need added visibility for a specific audience who are looking for our products/services on different platforms

– We need to enhance our revenue earning channels by going for lead generation campaigns

– We need more people to subscribe to our business

– We just need to improve our brand awareness

Not so good goals:

   We want more visitors to our website. Any particular reason for that? I mean yes getting higher traffic on the website is certainly a good idea but that in itself doesn’t guarantee anything. What if you are getting thousands of website visitors monthly and have a bounce rate of over 90%? What’s the point of having all that traffic in this case? Again, you need to be sure of why you want the traffic on the site and actions you want users to take on your website.

   we want our website to rank on top on Google and other search engines. Why? What you’ll achieve with the top ranking? Again, the top ranking doesn’t guarantee anything and there are at least half a dozen other factors like user interface, lack of CTAs, etc. that determine the success or failure of a project.

Step 2: Shortlisting

Ok, once you have clear goals in mind, you can start looking for affordable SEO packages that address your needs. Since you’ll be having a clear plan of action, it will be easy for you to choose the best SEO package by communicating your needs to the company guys.

An important consideration you should take in this regard is the location of the company. Yes, there are various cheap SEO packages offered by companies located in different parts of the world, however, it’s highly recommended to go with a company that’s physically located in your target market. For instance, go with an SEO services Auckland is you are looking to sell coffee in Auckland. This won’t just help you keep a clear line of communication but also ensure that the company understands the target market.