Whether it’s on a laptop or a mobile, Starlinks.nz will make sure your website has the spotlight!

The web design industry has evolved in leaps and bounds in a short period. Since the advent of search engines such as Google and Bing, web developers have capitalized on a new form of the industry, known as Search Engine Optimisation. The field summates to ensuring that the website you are optimizing shows up as early as possible in the search results for the engine. The earlier the web pages appear, the more likely someone is to click on that website, thus increasing the websites’ financial success and notoriety.
There are many ways to go about search engine optimization, as while the goal is mutual among all in the industry;”get to the first page of the search results”; the means to achieve this end are varied. However, the one commonality that all modern web designers understand is that the website must be responsive.
For a website to responsive, it must be capable of functioning on multiple devices; in particular a desktop PC or laptop and a mobile phone. In many ways, a website being able to work on a mobile phone the same as on a computer is the single most crucial thing that a website company can do for successful SEO. In the modern era of technology, 77% of adults own a smartphone, and almost 60% of all internet access is done through the phone. People are thus more likely to access your website through their phones, because they can do it on the fly and impulsively, which means the barrier between them finding out about your company and going to your website has become significantly reduced.
People want to be able to access your website quickly, and while they’re bored waiting for an appointment or on public transport, as speed plays a factor in user retention. It also helps to have your responsive website integrate social media so that they can share it with their friends if they remember to. If they forget to check your site by the time they get to a computer, then what’s the point? Reports say that 72% of people want mobile-friendly websites, and considering that 50% of e-commerce revenue comes from mobile, the demand is something that should be capitalized upon.