How much mobile app development cost – Choosing the best mobile app development service!


While you might not be aware of the fact, the truth is that the small fast food restaurant operating around the street does maintain a mobile app. That’s simply because the fast food joint owner knows that the vast majority of the foodies in the area and even beyond the area are either not willing or don’t have time to visit the franchise. Isn’t that interesting, right?

If you are to closely monitor the growing trend and market share of mobile apps, you will be astonished to see how quickly the trend has taken over the development industry leaving web development somewhere far behind to become the leading mainstay of the e-commerce industry. This also means that if you fail to improvise and push the pedal now, you will be left far behind the competition (and yes this implies to all business models).

The history of mobile app development doesn’t go far back. While we do have apps a decade back, they were few if any. Today, the industry has come a long was with hundreds of app developers (geeks) who have perfected the development process across all platforms (Android, iOS, Hybrid). This means that you won’t have any difficulty in finding the right app developer to get balls rolling for your business.

Now, one of the most prevailing queries that keep business owners intrigued is “how much does it cost to hire an app developer). If it sounds familiar to you then congratulations, you have come to the right platform. Below we have dissected the mobile app development process for you to gain detailed insights into the process and cost of the process.

So, continue to read on as we list useful and easy to follow tips to hire an app developer and answers your query for hire an app developer cost as well.

Let’s get started…

How to hire an app developer?

Well, if you are looking for the most potent way to hire an app developer, you got three options here:

  1. Partner with a person who’s an app developer
  2. Go for a freelance app developer (from freelancing platforms)
  3. Search out a local app developer

Rules to find the right app developer

Now, you might have had your “Eureka” moment with the next “Big Idea” for app development, which in your mind will help you achieve the millionaire status in no time. However, since you aren’t a developer, not a tech person you might find yourself stuck for the beginning. So, what’s should be your point of actions?

Definitely, you would start by Googling different search queries like “hire best app developer”, “freelance app developers for hire”, or “how much does it cost to hire app developer” amongst others, because at the end of the day Google has answers to all your queries.

Now, while there are unlimited benefits of technology, there are some drawbacks which you need to keep in mind. One of the limitations which you specifically need to be careful about is the fact that just like “not that glitter is gold”, similarly, not all mobile app developers are same. While you’ll face no shortage of freelance developers or app development agencies ready to give wings to your idea, you need to be cautious with your choice. 

That’s precisely why we have come up with some effective tips to help you shortlist the right candidates for your next “big App”:

  1.   Get a grip of basics of the development process

No, I am definitely not telling you to master the art of development process and neither I am telling you to give “DIY” a try. What I am saying is understanding the basics of the development to be able to get the feel of the process and make an informed decision for the developer, it’s only rational, right?

Fortunately, there are various online platforms (all free of costs) where you can get started with the app development process for all platforms (iOS, Android, Hybrid) as well as learn various programming languages used in the app development.  By educating yourself with the basics of the development, you would certainly be in a much better position not just to shortlist the right app developers, but also will be in a position of strength to negotiate to hire app development cost.

  1.   Check out the experience

How would you like if you have to choose an inexperienced surgeon for your surgery? That’s definitely sound horrible, right?

Same is true for the app development process. You need an experienced and veteran developer who has had experience playing around in the industry and understand the intricacies involved in the process. Thereby, while choosing an app developer, make sure you go with an experienced developer or firm by judging from previous projects.

  1.   Communication Sources

Interestingly many business owners overlook this important consideration, which proves to be dreadful for the project at the later stages. The getaway here is to understand that mobile app development is a long and continuous process that needs constant and transparent communication between developer and client. To make matters even worse, choosing an overseas freelance developer or development firm further complicate the communication channels with timing and language barriers.

To counter these issues, try going with a local developer or development company. For instance, a mobile app development company in Auckland, New Zealand will be in a much better position to offer constant and clear communication for an Auckland based project as compared to some overseas firm.

How much does it cost to hire an app developer?

Ok, now that you have a clear guideline of choosing the right app development firm or app developer, let’s see the price dissection of the process.

To start off, you need to remember that there is no standard pricing that will be quoted for your app. That’s because various factors influence the final cost of the app development including the size of the app, complexity, type of the app, app design and others.

Nonetheless, here’s a generalized cost estimate that can help you get a fair estimate of the price you would have to pay for the development of your app in Auckland, New Zealand.

  1.   Basic Mobile apps ($ 50 – $100)

As can be taken by name, these will be the most basic apps which will comprise of few options and functionalities including a drop-down menu. These apps will have to be stored on mobile devices.

  1.   Apps with integrate database ($100 – $500 plus)

These apps will be backed by the databases and will be stored on servers.

  1.   Messaging apps ($100 – $300 Plus)

These are related to the second category (database apps) and come with multiple functions including handling of different data formats. These apps will be mostly stored in the cloud.

  1.   Enterprise Apps ($300 – $500 Plus)

These apps are more business-end apps that are specifically designed to meet the needs and requirements of individual businesses. Such apps can be stored on individual devices as well as over servers.

  1.   Social Networking apps ($200 – $1000 Plus)

One of the most common app development queries we receive every other day is “how to develop an app like Instagram” or “how to develop an app like WhatsApp” amongst others. Yes, social networking apps are the big thing today and may include various functionalities depending upon the theme of the app.

Quick Tips to choose the best app developer

Now that you have a fair understanding of the costs involved in the development of different types of app, let’s just quickly look at some tips for hiring the best developer:

  • If you find a cheap overseas app developer/ development company and looking to finalize it, make sure you set the communication channels on priority. Check out the time zone differences (this is one of the most frustrating limitations). Also, see if the firm is efficient in the English language to avoid unnecessary barriers.
  • Set out a fair budget for the app. Whether you are choosing an app development company in Auckland, New Zealand or overseas make sure to have a flat rate before initiating the project.
  • If you are stuck in deciding between freelance developers and app development agencies, check out your budgetary options. Technically speaking if you need a small app design freelance is the best mode since it will be cost effective. However, if you need a large app development go with the development company as often freelance developers lack the resource required for big apps. 
  • Last but not least, you can check out various freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr or others to get in contact with freelance developers as well as agencies. These platforms have an amazing variety of developers who are ready to offer you great pricing for the development.

At Starlinks, we are a premium mobile app development company in Auckland, New Zealand offering full-service development for Android, iOS and hybrid mobile apps. Our experienced developers and veteran marketing specialists make sure you are able to optimally monetize your mobile app idea.