Choosing the right web design services in New Zealand – A Beginner’s Guide!

What skills are possessed by a good web designer?

There is no thumb rule regarding the expertise of a good web designer. They come in all forms and strengths. However, here are some considerations that can help you choose the right website designer for your project:

  •    Graphic Design

A brief look into the web designer’s portfolio can help you assess the expertise, and style as per your liking. Ok, this might not be the most important aspect for most business owners, still judging the graphic design is important as it will be the fundamental component of adding professionalism, and interactive appeal to your website.

–    Programming Skills

  The design might not require extensive programming skill, however, it does help if the designer has some level of familiarity with programming. Programming skills also help in customizing website features, as well as troubleshoot problems. Thereby, expecting a newbie or a fresher still in learning phase, to come up with intriguing, and attractive website design is unrealistic. You got to find professional website designers who understand and can perform at least simple programming tasks.

–    Search Engine Optimization

Even if you have the most exquisitely designed website, you won’t be able to achieve anything out of it until people can find your website over search engines. Ranking higher on Google and other search engines is equally as important as getting the right website design. Thereby, you got to go for a website designer who really does possess some level of SEO skills (most designers do say they have the skills, however, in reality, they are unbarred of any SEO skills). Website design companies in Auckland, which also offer SEO services should be your potential target, as they will have ample expertise and knowledge of SEO requisites for website design.

–    Business Insight

You can’t trust a web designer to make a flawless, and professional website design until and unless he really understands your business model. A piece of famous advice which we frequently give to our clients is to choose a website design company that have previous experience of working in your business field. The reason for this; having worked in the similar industry had given them ample experience to understand the working of the industry, and they will be better equipped to offer targeted solutions to your website design needs. Until. They either have the previous experience in a similar industry, or they are willing to go the extra mile to understand your business model, you can’t expect a professional design that reflects your business model.

–    Communication Skills

Apart from practical skills, a website designer should possess good, and clear communication skills. He/she should be able to clearly communicate and understand clients’ needs. Understand the aspirations and requirement of the client is essential even if they have previous experience of working with the same business model. Thereby, look out for a web design company in Auckland, who actually listens to your needs, with a clear line of communication.

What’s the cost of good web design in New Zealand?

Well, this is one of the trickier questions with no specific answer. To be honest you could spend anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars to get your website design done.

The cost of website design in New Zealand or generally anywhere in the world depends on quite a few aspects; the greatest of which is your requirements of features. More elements you want to add to the web design, the higher the cost you can expect.

However, beware of cheap website design services in New Zealand as they inevitably come with pretty much frustrating restrictions. Contrarily, a $3k to $5k website should come with many useful elements and features. The problem is, most clients don’t understand the unique relationship between web design features, and cost. I have had a meeting with quite a few clients who came in with brilliant ideas, and almost a broke budget (you see, you got to be realistic in your approach when looking for website design services).

Getting more specific, if you are to get a website design for just fun, you don’t need to spend more than a few hundred bucks. However, if you are looking for an e-commerce business, you should not hesitate to spend more on professional web design.

A lot of people try to outsource their web design services to a company located somewhere on the other side of the world. Well, that might help you get relatively cheaper services, but the big communication gap, language barrier, and low local knowledge can all affect the prospective web design utility.

Over the years, we have met hundreds of unsatisfied, and broke clients who were looted by none other than their poor choices. In their best to get good website design services at cheap rates, they compromised with experience and expertise of designers. Now after losing much money and time these clients came to us in the hope of a rescue mission.

So, coming back to the cost of good website design in New Zealand, well it depends. From a few hundred bucks to tens of thousands of dollars, the price is simply dependent upon your needs, and purpose of website design.

About the Author:

Taimoor Khan is a senior digital marketing expert working with Starlinks – An Auckland based website design, and digital marketing company. Apart from digital marketing, Taimoor has deep insights into the world of web design and development. He also regularly posts his opinions, and experiences regarding SEO, and web design industry in New Zealand.